What is a complaints and whistleblowing service?
A complaints and whistleblowing service provides an avenue for organisational stakeholders to formally lodge any serious concerns or grievances they have relating to your business.
Issues such as sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination, fraud or other misconduct can occur in any type of organisation. A complaints and whistleblowing service provides a safe and secure reporting channel to ensure your business is equipped to receive and respond to complaints about rogue behaviour promptly and appropriately.
Where complaints are captured early, in most cases the issue can be managed effectively and intervention measures can be implemented to effect positive organisational change and reforms. This approach can reduce the likelihood of similar events occurring in the future, while also fostering a more positive workplace environment.

How does a workplace complaints and whistleblowing service work?
A complaints and whistleblowing service provides an avenue for organisational stakeholders to formally lodge any serious concerns or grievances they have relating to your business.
Issues such as sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination, fraud or other misconduct can occur in any type of organisation. A complaints and whistleblowing service provides a safe and secure reporting channel to ensure your business is equipped to receive and respond to complaints about rogue behaviour promptly and appropriately.
Where complaints are captured early, in most cases the issue can be managed effectively and intervention measures can be implemented to effect positive organisational change and reforms. This approach can reduce the likelihood of similar events occurring in the future, while also fostering a more positive workplace environment.
Sexual Harassment
Organisational Policy or Procedure
Other Misconduct
Conflict of Interest
Inappropriate Conduct
Workplace safety and Environment
A complaints and whistleblowing service allows the organisation to identify and manage issues promptly and appropriately by following a tried-and-tested process which ensures all relevant information is captured.
The complainant will be asked to provide a detailed account of the incident including times, dates, what happened and who was present, along with any other relevant information or materials. They will also need to provide consent to disclose the complaint to the company. The company is then notified, allowing them to respond in line with their internal complaint management processes and whistleblower policy.
The service can also be used to handle complaints about companies who haven’t formally engaged the service to respond to complaints from stakeholders. In this case, the process for managing the complaint is slightly different. Organisations are not required to comply with workplace complaint service processes. On occasion, the complainant may need to contact another body such as the Fairwork Ombudsman or the Fairwork Commission to see if they are eligible to lodge an application.
Why should my business provide a complaints and whistleblowing service?
When misconduct occurs in the workplace, it is paramount that it is identified, recorded and managed efficiently, effectively and professionally. The mismanagement of misconduct in the workplace can not only be detrimental to the parties involved, but it can also have serious ramifications for your organisation.
In fact, whistleblower legislation includes significant civil and criminal penalties for breaches of whistleblower protections including possible fines of up to $1 million for individuals or $210 million for companies.
Having appropriate complaint handling mechanisms in place will ensure your business provides adequate protection for individuals who disclose sensitive information about cases of serious misconduct, while also providing a platform to identify workplace issues early and implement necessary organisational reform.
A workplace complaints and whistleblower service will provide confidence that any serious issues relating to employees, contractors, clients or families can be caught quickly and managed appropriately.

Operating as a trusted external partner, our service is designed to support your team to manage complaints directly, discreetly and in line with your business values.
Offering a combination of complaints, whistleblower and training services, we can also help your business by:
Supporting your HR team to focus on their core functions by removing the pressure of receiving and responding to a range of workplace complaints.
Helping you to effectively manage workplace complaints for a fraction of what it would cost to manage them internally.
Reviewing your organisational policies to ensure they set a best practice standard for the organisation.
Preparing weekly reports outlining the number and nature of the complaints received and how we supported them to raise the issue with the organisation.
Providing information and resources to employees to encourage them to manage complaints directly with your business using the correct channels, de-escalating issues before they develop into something more detrimental to your business.

What are the benefits for my employees or stakeholders?
Being faced with a situation which involves sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination or other form of serious misconduct can be extremely confronting and difficult to deal with both personally and professionally.
By offering a formal complaints or whistleblowing service, your employees and stakeholders will feel supported by having confidence that their issue will be taken seriously and handled promptly and discreetly.
With the assistance of a caring and professional team member, employees or stakeholders will receive appropriate support and guidance to explore their options.
They will be provided any relevant information or brochures and directed to the most appropriate contact point to make the process as smooth and straightforward as possible. They will also have the option to submit their complaint anonymously, however in some cases the circumstances may be such that anonymity is difficult to maintain.
What to look for in a good complaints and whistleblowing service?
Not all workplace complaints and whistleblower services are the same. If you want to ensure your complaints program is worth the investment, make sure it includes the following features:
Best-practice complaint handling processes.
Skilled and experienced complaint and enquiry-handlers.
Services tailored to your internal complaint handling processes.
Cost-effective service package options which can be tailored to suit your individual business requirements.
Regular service usage reporting.
Ability to access services at any time, day or night with multiple service channel options.
Secure, locally-hosted database.
Experienced and reputable industry-leading brand.
Here’s how we stack up against the criteria:
Best-practice processes
Best-practice processes Our carefully refined processes ensure every enquiry and complaint we receive is handled promptly, courteously, professionally and meticulously. We work with you directly, discreetly and aligned with your business values. At all times you are in control of what is done with the information that is received, what information we provide your employees and how to manage the complaint.
Skilled & experienced enquiry-handlers
Our staff are located in Australia and are trained in complaint handling and workplace conflict management. They are experienced and qualified conflict experts with backgrounds in psychology, law and counselling. Our operations are also overseen by our Principal.
Tailored services
We offer complaints, whistleblower and training services—it’s up to you to decide if you would like to use one or all of our services.
Our complaint handling and escalation processes are also tailored to suit your business. As part of our new client on-boarding process we will review your processes, allowing us to establish a service that will act as an independent extension of your business.
Cost-effective service package options
Cost-effective service package options We charge a one-off account set-up fee and a monthly subscription for services used. In most cases, outsourcing your complaint handling services is a more affordable option than managing it internally.
Depending on the services you need, we can tailor your service package to suit your individual business requirements and budget.
Regular reporting
We provide weekly reports outlining the number and nature of the complaints received and how we supported the complainant to raise the issue with the organisation.
Service accessibility
Our services can be accessed 24/7 through our website or by email, or by phone during specified hours. This allows stakeholders to make an enquiry or lodge a complaint via their preferred service channel at a time that suits them.
Secure, locally-hosted database
Our Complaint Management System (CMS) database is stored locally in Australia on a secure encrypted server, with data backed up daily and weekly, including off-site backups.
Industry-leading brand
Founded by Emvirio Workplace Solutions, we are Australia’s most experienced conflict management business having been dealing with conflicts for over 25 years. We service multiple businesses and industries and our processes are robust, compliant and secure.